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时间:2007-12-26 23:29:28  来源:  作者:

Objective: TO study the effects of neuroprotectant combined with cocktail used anti-ICAM-1 antibody and IGF-1 in the insult induced by focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion by MRI and pathology. 

 Methods:  Twenty-four cats were selected into the study, a total of animals were divided into four groups: six  cats as the control group and other 18 animals as the anti-ICAM-1 antibody, IGF-1 and cocktail treated group. Making model of cerebral focal ischemia-reperfusion used O’brien’s methods. The animals in anti-ICAM-1 antibody and IGF-1 treated group were placed in a stereotactic frame and injected relevant neuroprotected remedy.,and the control group treated no remedy. All animals were graded by the Philips’criteria score and scanned by MRI in different time, and measured the volume of the abnormal signal on T2WI imagies in MRI scaning. All data were analyzed by statistical software , and all specimen were studied by light and electro microscopy using phathologcial method.

Results:  The Philips’ criteria score in 3days and 7days was statistically significant different (P<0.01 ) in different groups. The volume of infarct in cocktailtherapy group was least in 7day after reperfusion (F=71.322P<0.001), the same as the pathological study.

Conclusion: The effect of cocktailtherapy is superior to singleness.

[key words]  Neuroprotectant ; Cocktailtherapy ; Ischemia-reperfusion; Magnetic resonance imaging.



但是脑缺血和缺血后的再灌注损伤是一个涉及到多个方面的复杂的级联过程 [6][7]。国内外已经对很多神经营养因子等神经保护剂进行了多年的研究[27][28],研究结果显示联合使用能够同时影响多种机制的药物的疗法--我们称为神经保护的鸡尾酒疗法,是最为合理和最有希望的。本文正是以次为出发点,应用IGF-1和抗-ICAM-1抗体作为鸡尾酒组合用药,并且用医学影像学、病理学、免疫组织化学、神经功能评分等多种观察手段去评价这种疗法的效果。

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