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Chest X-ray imaging of patients with SARS

时间:2006-07-28 20:50:36  来源:  作者:

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LU Pu-xuan,ZHOU Bo-ping,CHEN Xinchun,YUAN Ming-yuan,GONG Xiaolong,YANG Gendong,LIU Jingqing,YUAN Bentong,ZHENG Guangping,YANG Guilin,WANG Huosheng


  Department of Radiology,Shenzhen Donghu (East Lake) Hospital,Shenzhen 518020,China (LU Pu-xuan,Xiaolong,YANG Gendong LIU Jingqing,ZHENG Guangping),Department of Infection(Zhou Boping,CHEN Xinchun,YUAN Bentong,YANG Guilin,WANG Huosheng). Department of Radiology ChangZheng Hospital,Shanghai,China.(Yuan Mingyuan)

  Correspondence to:Dr LU Puxuan Shenzhen East Lake Hospital,Shenzhen 518020,China (Tel:86-755-25509800 ext 3303. Fax: 86-755-25604034. E-mail:lpx98132@sina.com)

  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is again called Infectious Atypical Pneumonia in China. It is caused by a new type virus bearing the name of Coronavirus which causes this acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract and lungs 1~7. This disease possesses an acute onset with rapid development and changes. The authors report here the 52 cases confirmed in diagnosis and admitted for treatment in this hospital since Feb. 9th of 2003 to April 30th of the same year in order to explore X-ray manifestations and its special features.



  General description

  Among all the cases suffering from SARS 52 possessed complete data of chest X-ray examination,among them 36 were male and 27 female with their age distribution between 4~75,29 in average,40 of these 52 cases were with their age between 18~45.

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