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时间:2005-09-02 23:00:09  来源:  作者:

Radiographic Appearances in Pediatric Mycoplasma Pneumonia

张明杰  刘立炜
广州市儿童医院放射科,广州 510120

  Objective: To recognize the clinical features and radiographic appearances of pediatric mycoplasma pneumonia(MP), and try to improve the diagnostic accuracy.
  Materials and Methods: The chest radiographs of hospitalized patients with serologically proven MP from 1999 to 2003 were reviewed (the cases with normal appearance or bronchitis and pneumonias without follow-up studies were removed), there were 64 male and 42 female, aged 7 months to 13 years with a mean of 4 years and 8 months. 3 cases were below 1 year, 44 cases were between 1 and 3 years, 39 cases were between 3 and 7 years, 20 cases were between 7 and 13 years. Radiographic appearances were analyzed and sorted retrospectively.
  Results: Common appearances of chest radiographs were listed below. Prominent pulmonary markings(97 cases), hilar enlargement(60 cases), reticulonodular pattern(46 cases), patchy areas of increased opacity(22 cases), segmental or lobular consolidation(34 cases), emphysema(11 cases), atelectasis(4 cases), pleural effusion(5 cases). The time to recover from MP has a mean of 9 days. Radiographic features of MP were sorted in three patterns, 1) interstitial pneumonia(48%), 2) bronchopneumonia(18.9%), 3) segmental or lobular consolidation(33.1%).
  Conclusion: the peak incidence of MP occurs in school-aged children. The severity of symptoms is greater than physical signs. Interstitial infiltration is the most common radiographic appearance, and then consolidation pattern and bronchopneumonia pattern. A combination of clinical and radiographic findings can improve the accuracy of diagnosis in this disease. 
  Key words: Mycoplasma pneumonia; Radiography; Pediatric

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