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时间:2006-07-28 20:56:22  来源:  作者:


MRI Diagnosis of Cerebral Cysticercosis in the Fourth Ventricle<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



(郑州大学第一附属医院放射科MRI室,河南 郑州 450052)

CHENG Jing-liang,YANG Yun-jun,ZHANG Yong,et al.

MRI Division,Department of Diagnostic Radiology,the First Affiliated Hospital,Zhengzhou University,Zheng zhou 450052 China)



  Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for cerebral cysticercosis in the fourth ventricle.

  Methods:Characteristic MRI appearances of 32 patients with cerebral cysticercosis verified by MRI and clinic were retrospectively analysed. MRI examinations of brain were performed with a superconductive 1.0T Impact MR Unit,and SE sequence was used in all patients. MRI findings were compared with plain cerebral CT findings in 21 cases of them.

  Results:Of 32 cases with cerebral cysticercosis in the fourth ventricle,there were two types,including intraventrical type (17/32,53.1%),and mixed type (15/32,46.9%). Single and multiple cerebral cysticercosis of the fourth ventricle were detected in 30 and 2 patients respectively. Compared with the CSF,the cyst of cerebral cysticercosis in the fourth ventricle presented as iso- or slightly hyper-intensity on T1WI and iso- or slightly hypo-intensity on T2WI;most walls of cerebral cysticercosis showed as smooth and sharp linear slightly high signal intensity on T1WI,and low signal intensity on T2WI. Twenty-four scolex which attached to the anterior or inferior inner wall of the cyst could be well seen on T1WI of the sagittal plane. The signal intensity of the scolex was similar to that of the cerebral parenchyma on T1WI and very complicated on T2WI,which showed low,moderate and high signal intensity. The wall and the scolex of cysticercosis in the fourth ventricl were difficult to be seen on CT scan.

  Conclusion:MRI is the best chioce and is superior to CT for the diagnosis of cerebral cysticercosis in the fourth ventricle.

  Key words:Cerebral cysticercosis;The fourth ventricle;Magnetic resonance imaging;Diagnosis

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