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时间:2006-08-02 17:35:55  来源:  作者:

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The Value of MSCT Pulmonary Angiography in Diagnosing Pulmonary Embolism

宋光义  胡茂清  韩丹  杨亚英  包颜明

云南省昆明医学院第一附属医院CT室,昆明 650032



  Objective:To explore the value of MSCT pulmonary angiography in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.

  Materals and Methods:25 cases in group Ⅰwere scaned by 2.5mm collimation and 3.2mm reconstructed thickness,10 cases in group Ⅱwere scaned by 1mm collimation and 1.3mm reconstructed thickness. Low extremities deep venous was scaned after MSCT pulmonary angiography in 5cases in two group.

  Result:The display of central and lobal pulmonary arteries was no significant difference in two group,1mm collimatiom was superior to 2.5mm collimatiom in displaying the segmental,subsegmental and fifth-order pulmonary arteries. 486 embolized pulmonary arteries were displayed by MSCTPA,the filling defect sign of pulmonary arteries was classified as central type(n=276),mural type with sharp angle(n=87),mural type with obtuse angle(n=12) and completely-obstructed type(n=111). The indirect sign include pulmonary infarction,Westermark’s sign,mosaic sign,pleural effusion,dilated central and/or lobal pulmonary arteries,enlargement of right ventricle and displacement of interventricaular septum. Bilateral femoral vein embolism in 3 cases and single lateral femoral vein and deep femoral vein embolism in 2 cases were displayed by CTV.

  Conclusion:The direct and indirect sign of PE can be displayed clearly by MSCT pulmonary angiography,more PE of  peripheral arteries can be displayed by 1mm collimation thin-thickness scan. MSCTPA combined CTV scan can improve the diagnosis of PE.

  Key words:Pulmonary embolism;Spiral computed tomography;Pulmonary angiography;Diagnosis.

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