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时间:2006-06-28 16:42:17  来源:  作者:

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Clinical application of MRI in intraocular foreign bodies

程敬亮 施光普 汪 浒 任翠萍

Cheng Jingliang*,Shi Guangpu,Wang Hu,et al. * Department of Radiology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan Medical University,Zhengzhou 450052



  Purpose:To evaluate MRI in intraocular foreign bodies as compared with CT as well as conventional X-ray films. Materials and

  methods:There were 55 intraocular foreign bodies in 42 patients,33 males and 9 females age ranged from 5~45 years. Fifty-three of the 55 foreign bodies were non-magnetic,and the remaining 2 were ferromagnetic objects. Conventional X-ray films,CT and MRI examinations were accomplished within one month.

  Results:1) The positive rate for showing 55 intraocular foreign bodies was similar on MRI (94%) and CT (91%) (P>0.25),but much higher than conventional X-ray films (42%) (P<0.005);(2) MRI was superior to CT for the demonstration of eye complications related to the foreign bodies,but the contrary was true when they were located within the sclera;(3) T2WI and PDWI of SE sequence were the method of choice for the demonstration of these foreign bodies;(4) non-magnetic foreign bodies usually showed signal loss without artifact on MRI,while ferromagnetic substances produced remarkable artifact and might lead to accidental injury of the eye.

  Conclusion:MRI was an effective method for the evaluation of non- magnetic foreign bodies of the eye,especially for the non-metallic foreign bodies undetectable with CT or conventional X-ray film. It was not recommended for ferromagnetic foreign bodies.

  Key words:Intraocular foreign bodied  Magnetic resonance imaging Tomography,X-ray computed



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