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时间:2009-02-26 21:43:29  来源:  作者:
  Imaging Diagnosis of Brain Abscess in Patients with Congenital Heart Diseases

  Sun Zhiqiang, Luo Liman, Huang Wencai, Zeng Xiaohua, Chen Xinjian

  (1. Department of Radiology; 2. Department of Paediatrics, Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region, Wuhan 430070, China)

  Abstract: Objective To evaluate the imaging diagnosis of congenital heart disease combined with brain abscess. Methods The clinical data and the imaging manifestationswere retrospectively analyzed in 12 patients (8 male and 4 female, average age 10 years and 7 months). All the patients were scanned by CT, and three ones were examined by MRI.Results The 12 cases included tetralogy of Fallot in 9, pulmonary artery stenosis combined with patent foramen ovale in one, ventricular septal defect in one, and transposition of great vessels in one case. Brain abscess occurred in parietal lobe, occipital lobe, parieto-occipital lobe and frontoparietal lobe. CTplain scan showed low density core of the brain abscess with a circumference of integrated or halfbaked equaldensity circle, and enhanced scan showed apparent reinforcement of the circle. The image of MR showed mixedlong T1 and long T2 signals, and circular reinforcement of even thickness could be found after enhancement, mostly with chambered reinforcement. Conclusion Congenital heart diseases, especially those with cyanosis, are prone to combining brain abscess, which can be diagnosed by CT and MRI examination at early stage.

  Key words: congenital heart disease; brain abscess; computerized tomography; magnetic resonance imaging


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