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时间:2009-11-13 15:39:50  来源:  作者:

     本研究通过子宫内膜癌术后组织病理学特点与MRI分期比较来评价MRI分期的准确度。对2005年3月10日到2006年5月31日Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) Karachi确诊为子宫内膜癌的52例患者进行前瞻性交叉断面研究,所有病例均在术前进行了MRI分期。 结果显示:子宫内膜癌MRI分期敏感度为79%,特异度为85%,精确度为80%。阳性预测值(positive predictive value,PPV),和阴性预测值(negative predictive value,NPV)分别为97%和66%。因此,MRI在子宫内膜癌分期方面具有安全、准确、无创等优点,可作为制定子宫内膜癌治疗方案前的一线影像学检查方法。

    Staging of endometrial carcinoma by magnetic resonance imaging: correlation with surgery and histopathology.

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of MRI in staging of endometrial carcinoma, and comparison with surgery and histopathological findings. METHODS: A one year prospective cross-sectional study was conducted from 10/3/2005 to 31/5/2006, at the Radiology department, Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) Karachi. Fifty two patients with diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma, referred to radiology department for preoperative staging by MRI and had undergone surgery were included. RESULTS: MRI was found to be 79% sensitive, 85% specific and 80% accurate for staging endometrial carcinoma while PPV and NPV were 97% and 66% respectively. CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance imaging is a good, safe, accurate and non invasive imaging modality in staging of endometrial carcinoma. It can be used as a first line radiological investigation in patients with endometrial carcinoma for treatment planning.

      本文英文原文源于:Mubarak F, Akhtar MW, Gul-e-Khanda, Husen YA.J Pak Med Assoc. 2009 Sep;59(9):622-5.dGs


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