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时间:2006-07-25 17:45:59  来源:  作者:

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Pathologic Studies of Collagenase Damage on Dorsal Root Ganglion in Rats


(中山大学 1附属第一医院介入放射科;2基础医学院病理学教研室,广东 广州 510080)

ZHUANG Wen-quan1,LI He-ping1,YANG Jian-yong1,CHEN Wei1,WU Jin-lang2,GUO Wen-bo1,HUANG Yong-hui1

1. Department of Radiology,The First Affiliated Hospital;2. Department of Pathology,Preclinical School,SUN Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510080,China)



  Objective:To study the morphological and pathologic effects of collagenase on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in rats.

  Method:Fifty-seven male and healthy Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into 7 groups:normal group,acute collagenase group,subacute collagenase group,chronic collagenase group,acute saline group,subacute saline group,and chronic saline group. The left fifth lumbar DRG was exposed in each rat. One milliliter of collagenase solution (300 units) was carefully applied to the exposed DRG in collagenase groups,and one milliliter of isotonic saline was applied to the exposed DRG in saline groups. The morphology of DRG under light microscope and electron microscope was analyzed 1 hour,1 week or 1 month after operation.

  Results:The morphology of cells,the nucleolus,membrane and cytoplasm of neurons in DRG had not been changed under light microscope and electron microscope in all groups. The same was true of the nerve fibers and blood vessels in DRG. The difference of the ultrastructure of neurons in DRG between the collagenase groups and the normal group or the saline groups was significant. It was appeared that the nucleolus did not locate at the middle part of the nucleus in some cells. It had been observed in many cells with mitochondria swelling,loss of mitochondria crest,vesicle mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum swelling. Karyotheca was rough in some cells. Cytoclasis and apoptosis of neurons had not been observed under light microscope and electron microscope.

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