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时间:2007-06-21 16:31:13  来源:  作者:



AbstractObjective To explore therapeutic results of local microwave ablation for hepatic metastasis and the factors influencing the survival after pereutaneous mjcrowave ablation therapy

    Methods From July 1995 to June 2005 128 patients wi282 hepatic metastases nedules with the primary diseases of upper gastrointestinal tumor(n=26)colorectal tumor(n=44)breast carcinoma(n=19)pulmonary carcinoma(n15)and malignant tumor in other part of the body(n24)underwent pereutaneous mjcrowave ablation therapy and were foilowed up for 297 4-199 months(1103 months)The largest diameter of tlle metastatic nodules was 35 4-16 cm (0.7~8.6 cm)Sixty-four cases had 140 nodules30 cm in diameterand 164 cases had 142 nodules >30 cm in diam eterFortyseven patients had sine nodule44 patients had 2 nodulesan d 93 patients had 3 or more nedules Fiftyseven pailents had tumor of low diferentiation53 had tumor of middie diferentiationand 18 had highly diferentiated tunlors KaplanMeier method was used to calculate the cumulative survival rate Statistical comparison of the efects of potential predictivefactors on survival ratewas pe rformed usinglogran kan alysis Multivariatean alysis of the survival rates was perform ed by using Cox s proportional hazard mode1

    Results The 1234and 5 year cum ulative survival rates of all 128 patients were 9088%,73 84% 。51O9% .3614and 3189 respectivelyUnivariate analysis showed that tumor size(P=0028)tumor diferentiation(P=0026)and local recurrence ornew metastases(P<0001)significantly afected the surviva1Multivariate analysis revealed that tumor size(P=0035)recurrence or new metastases(P =0001)and tumor diferentiation(P=0038)each had a significant efect on surviva1

    Conclusion There is a significandv  higher probability of long-term survival for patients with wel1-diferentiated tumors 3.0 cm or less in diameter and without recurrence or new metastasis after pereutaneous microwave ablation

Key wordsLiver neoplasms Microwave Ablation Neoplasm metastasis;Prognosis



恶性肿瘤的肝转移是导致死亡的主要原因之一,肝转移癌的治疗直接影响患者的生存时间,而80%的肝转移癌并不适合手术切除[1,2] 。为了提高恶性肿瘤患者的生存率,临床不断探求各种微创有效的介人治疗方法,我们总结了近10年行超声引导下经皮微波消融治疗(percutaneous microwave coagulation therapyPMCT)肝转移癌的患者,分析疗效和影响因素。





2.分组:分别根据肿瘤的大小、数目及分化程度分组(1)。根据肿瘤的大小分组:D3.0cm 64140个结节;D>3.0cm 64142个结节。根据肿瘤的个数分组:单发47例,244例,3个或3个以上37例。根据肿瘤的分化程度分组:低分化57例、中分化53例和高分化18例。


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  1. 不吃“线”的介入治疗
  2. 移动 3D 透视镜或可用于脑动脉瘤夹闭术
  3. 介入治疗技术可“介入”多种疾病
  4. 介入性超声在甲状腺疾病诊断治疗中的应用
  5. 腰骶部骨肿瘤的介入性动脉栓塞治疗
  6. 老年人群肝肾囊肿及介入性超声治疗体会
  7. 人造血管内覆膜支架在胸主动脉疾病中的应用
  8. 急性心肌梗死经桡动脉介入治疗后溶栓5例
  9. 经动脉介入治疗股骨头无菌性坏死的护理
  10. 介入超声在肝移植并发症中的应用