时间:2009-02-02 17:30:28 来源: 作者: |
Study of mammotome minimally invasive biopsy on the diagnosis of breast cancer
ZHANG Lei 1, SUN Qing-xu2
1Department of Ultrasonics, Linyi People’s Hospital (Linyi 276003, China)
2Department of General Surgery, Linyi Tumor Hospital (Linyi 276001, China)
【ABSTRACT】 Objective:To explore the clinical value of mammotome minimally invasive biopsy(MMIBS) on breast cancer. Methods: Eighty patients with breast cancer were subjected to MMIBS and FNAC(fine needle aspiration cytology) under the guidance of ultrasound . The diagnostic value of two methods was evaluated. Results: The needle positions in 80 patients were all visualized (100.0%) under the guidance of ultrasound. Among them, the diagnostic accordance rate of MMIBS and FNAC was 97.5% and 75.0%(P<0.05). The rate of missed diagnosis of MMIBS and FNAC was 2.5% and 25.0% respectively(P<0.05). Conclusion:MMIBS had the characteristic of micro-invasion , high definitive and low missed diagnosis rate .
【KEY WORDS】 Breast neoplasms·Diagnostic techniques, surgical·Ultrasonics·Biopsy, needle·Pathology,surgical
乳腺癌是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,近年来其发病率明显上升,及时手术治疗效果明显,因此早期准确诊断成为治疗的关键。本研究采用超声引导下mammotome微创活组织检查术(mammotome minimally invasive biopsy, MMIBS)对80例乳腺癌患者进行术前乳房肿块活组织检查,并与针吸细胞学(fine needle aspiration cytology, FNAC)检查方法就其诊断的灵敏性与准确性进行对比研究, 探讨该方法对乳腺癌的诊断价值。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 2004年10月—2006年10月,山东省临沂市人民医院经病理组织学检查确诊的乳腺癌患者80例,均为女性单侧乳房,年龄25~78岁,中位年龄47岁,发现乳房肿块1~6个月。肿块直径≤1.0 cm 15例,1.1~2.0 cm 30例,2.1~5.0 cm 32例,>5.0 cm 3例。80例均行手术治疗,术后病理组织学检查:浸润性导管癌61例,髓样癌7例,导管内癌6例,浸润性小叶癌3例,高分化腺癌2例,中分化黏液腺癌1例。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 FNAC检查 采用10 mL一次性注射器,配以8号注射针头,选择穿刺部位,常规消毒,固定肿瘤,注射器经皮肤刺入肿瘤内,负压朝不同方向抽吸数次,将吸取的标本制成涂片数张,乙醇固定,常规染色,光镜下作细胞学观察。
1.2.2 超声引导下MMIBS 超声仪为Philips Envisor HD彩色B超,探头频率11 MHz。Mammotome系统为美国强生公司第二代产品,由微电脑控制,由真空负压抽吸泵及带旋切刀的穿刺针组成,使用8 G穿刺针。术前由超声探查定位后,消毒、铺巾、麻醉,做3 mm切口,穿刺针于乳腺与胸大肌之间进针,在微电脑的控制下边前进边切取组织条,反复取样,送病理组织学检查。
1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 10.0统计软件进行处理,应用Fisher精确检验,组间比较采用χ2检验,P≤0.05为差异有统计学意义。