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时间:2007-02-10 01:47:49  来源:  作者:

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MRI and MRA Diagnosis of Moyamoya Disease:A report of 15 Cases

Cheng Jingliang,Ren Cuiping,Li Shuxin,et al. Department of Radiology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan Medical University,Zhengztou 450052



  Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of MRI and MRA for Moyamoya disease.

  Materials and Methods:15 patients with Moyamoya disease (male 6,female 9) were studied,age ranged from 4 to 49 years,among which,11 cases were less than 20 yearn old. SE sequence MRI (n=15) and 3D TOF MRA (n=14) were carried out with a 1.0T superconductive MR unit (Impact,Siemens),with noncontrast CT study in 6 cases and DSA in one. Meanwhile there were 20 normal MRI and MRA cases studied as a control group.

  Results:Low intensity Moyamoya vessels which were located in thalamus-basal ganglia region (3 unilateral and 12 bilateral) were noted on T1WI and T2WI in all case. Moyamoya vessels of the suprasellar cisterna were seen clearly on T2WI in 10 of 15 eases. Stenosis or occlusion of the bifurcation of ICA,proximal portion of the ACA or MCA,and Moyamoya vessels of thalamus-basal ganglia region were demonstrated by MRA (n=14) and DSA (n=1). These pathological vessels found on MRA and DSA were also correlated with SE sequence MRI to a great extent. Normal perforating arteries of thalamus-basal ganglia region couldn't be seen obviously on MRI and MRA in a control group. Only 2 of 6 cases with noncontrast CT were suspected as Moyamoya disease.

  Concluaion:MRI with MRA is an effective noninvasive method for the diagnosis of Moyamoya disease. MRA is suitable for screening test in high risk subjects,as well as follow-up studies for development and postop bypass pateney in Moyamoya disease. MRI is superior to noncontrast CT in diagnosing Moyamoya disease.

  Key words:Moyamoya disease Magnetic resonance imaging Cerebral blood vessel Stenosis or obstruction



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