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时间:2005-08-20 01:08:26  来源:  作者:

MRI Diagnosis of Acute Cervical Discs Herniation<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


左鹏 张惠 张荣胜

湖北省黄冈市第一人民医院MR室,湖北 438000

Zuo Peng, Zhang Hui, Zhang Rong Sheng,et al. Department of Radiology, the First Hospital of Huanggang ,HuBei 438000



Objective:To analyse MRI features of  acute cervical discs herniation and evaluate MRI in diagnosis of herniation.

Methods:23 cases were studied ,all the cases had the cervical injury history . They had no symptom before and appearanced it after injury. All patients underwent radiography and CT study before undergoing MR imaging.

Results:: 11 cases curvature decreased on plain film and hyperextension in 5 cases. 7 cases were doubted herniation underwent CT study and proved by MRI. 49 discs herniation occurred in 23 cases. Herniation of central type in 31 discs, appear as the pressing of spinal cord central part. Herniation of back-outer side type in 18 discs, as the position is between nerve root and spinal cord. Posterior longitudinal ligament injuried in 6 cases, the low signal colum behind the vertebral lifted or interrupted. All the spinal cord injuried appeared as the signal abnormity.

Conclusion:MR imaging is the best method in diagnosis of acute cervical discs herniation and be useful for clinical treatment.

Key words:Acute cervical discs herniation;   Magnetic resonance imaging;Evaluation



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