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时间:2005-09-30 21:26:35  来源:  作者:

Recommended Method of Multislice Voronary CT Angiography in the Diagnosis of Coronary Lesion <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


张竹花 金征宇 林松柏 李冬晶 孔令燕 王怡宁 薛华丹 王沄 王林辉 赵文敏 牟文斌 张立仁 朱文玲 张抒扬 倪超 任华 于洪泉 苗齐 方圻

中国医学科学院协和医院大学北京协和医院放射科 北京 100730 



Object: To establish a universal diagnostic method of multislice coronary CTA to observe the coronary lesion so as to facilitate multi-center cooperation.

Methods: Plain and enhanced 16-slice spiral CT imaging was performed in 300 cases. Two dimensional and three dimensional reconstruction with enhanced scan diastolic period images were made in all cases, among them 40 cases with the first grade image quality underwent conventional coronary angiography. Diagnostic method of multislice coronary CTA to observe the coronary lesion was summarized .Then sensitivityspecificity and accuracy of coronary CT angiography(CTA) in the diagnosis of ³50% coronary stenosis were calculated.

ResultDiagnostic method of multislice coronary CTA to observe the coronary lesion includes two dimensional diagnostic method(including two angle segmental demonstration method, curved reconstruction method, slice by slice observation method and perpendicular section method) and the auxiliary demonstration method of three dimensional and virtual endoscopy demonstration method. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 16-slice spiral coronary CTA to identify ³50% stenosis were 100% and 97.3% respectively.

Conclusion16-slice spiral coronary CTA is a noninvasivesimple and good method, if with high image quality, it can be used as a reliable method in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease, especially as a reliable method for the early diagnosis of coronary heart disease.

Key wordsTomography , X-ray computed; Coronary vessels; Coronary heart disease


随着CT技术的发展,目前多层螺旋CT 冠状动脉CTA已被广泛接受为一种冠心病的筛查手段,但对冠状动脉病变的影像学观察诊断方法尚无人详述,本文总结了多层螺旋CT冠脉病变观察推荐方法。





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