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时间:2005-09-30 19:05:38  来源:  作者:

Multi-detectors CT Angiography in detection and characterization of pseudoaneurysms<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


凌华威 丁 蓓  董海鹏 杨燕萍 陈克敏


LING Huawei, DING Bei, DONG Haipeng, YANG Yanping, CHEN Kemin

(Department of Radiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200025, China)



Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic performance of MDCTA for detection and characterization of pseudo-aneurysms.

Methods:Sixteen patients with pseudoaneurysms were referred for MDCTA (16 of 16)and DSA (10 of 16)evaluation. CTA was performed using a 4-detector CT scanner with 3.0cc/sec injection rate of 100 cc non-ionic contrast agent and 2.5-3.75 mm collimation with pitch of 6. Based on original images and MPVR and MIP reconstruction, Images were analyzed according to the presence of pseudoaneurysms, the original artery of the pseudoaneurysms, the intra-luminal clot formation and anatomical relationships to adjacent structures. Image data were compared with DSA in 10 patients.

Results:MDCTA was successfully performed in all 16 patients with pseudoaneurysms in different locations.(cervical n=2, thoracic n= 2, abdominal n=5 , lower limb n=7). In terms of detection, the diagnostic accuracy of MDCTA was 100%(16/16).The necks of the pseudoaneurysms were correctly visualized in 56.3 % patients (9 of 16) cases on MDCTA. Arteriovenous fistula formation in 3 cases18.8%, mass effect over adjacent structures was found in 6 cases37.5%.

Conclusion:MDCTA is a useful noninvasive technique that can accurately detect and characterize pseudoaneurysms as well as their anatomical relationships to the adjacent structures.

Key words:Pseudoaneurysm;Tomography;X-ray computed;Angiography

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