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时间:2005-11-16 21:56:42  来源:  作者:

Preliminary Evaluation of 1 HMR Spectroscopy in Studying Bone and Soft Tissue Diseases of the Lower Limbs<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


周春香 孟悛非 陈应明 罗柏宁 张中伟

Chun-xiang ZHOU, Quan-fei MENG, Ying-ming CHEN,et al .Department of Radiology, No. 1 Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yatsen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong Province 510080, P. R. China



Objective:To discuss the feasibility and the clinical value of 1HMR spectroscopy (MRS) in studying bone and soft tissue diseases of the lower limbs.

Materials and Methods:1HMRSwas performed to study the lower limbs. The lower limbs of the subjects had normal skeleton ( n = 10) , normal muscles ( n = 5) , benign lesions ( n = 6) , malignant bone tumor ( n = 11) or rhabdomyosarcoma ( n = 1) . SVSSTEAM sequence was used.

Results:1H MRS wave style of the diseased bone and softtissue was different from that of the normal ones , and the difference also existed between benign and malignant lesions. Choline level in malignant lesions was markedly higher than that in benign lesions.

Conclusion:1H MRS is an ideal and noninvasive means for the study of biochemical and metabolic characteristics of bone and soft2tissue disorders of the limbs.

Key wordsLimb;Bone;Softtissue;1H MRS

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