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EPI-DWI-ADC 图对确定恶性骨肿瘤髓内浸润范围的价值

时间:2005-12-02 19:31:47  来源:  作者:

Accuracy of ADC map derived from the SSEPI-DWI for estimating the intramedullary extent of malignant bone neoplasms<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


孟悛非 马玲 陈应明 江波


Quan-fei,Ma Ling,CHEN Ying-ming,JIANG Bo.Department of Diagnostic Radiology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510080,China



Objective:To study the accuracy of SSEPI-DWI derived ADC map in estimating the intramedullary extent of malignant bone neoplasms.

Methods:18 cases of primary malignant bone tumors of the knee were prospectively enrolled in our study. Each patient had a preoperative MRI including a SSEPI-DWI sequence and conventional T1WI and STIR sequence along the longitudinal plane to serve as a control. The distance between the tumor extent to the knee joint on the ADC map was compared with that measured on T1WI and STIR.

Results:Signals of edema, necrotic tissue, viable tumor, normal muscles and normal marrow were characterized as iso-, hypo- or significantly hypointense on ADC map respectively. The intramedullary extent of malignant bone tumor demonstrated on the ADC map was highly correlated with that demonstrated on T1WI(correlation coefficient 0.994,P<0.01),and with that demonstrated on STIR(correlation coefficient 0.991, P<0.01). When controversial intensities were met in determining intramedullary extent of malignant bone tumaor, with conventional procedures, the difference among the results, deter mined with ADC map, T1WI and STIP became more obvious.

Conclusio:ADC maps derived from the SSEPI-DWI provide a different contrast between viable tumor, peritumoral edema and tumor necrosis, ADC map are accurate in determining intramedullary extent of malignant bone neoplasm. ADCmap may provide useful information when there are some difficulties in determining the intra-osseous invasion of the tumor by conventional sequences.

Key words:Magnetic resonance imaging;Echo-plan e imaging; Diffusion-weighted imaging; Bone neoplasm;Surgical treatment; Pharmacotherapy

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