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时间:2005-12-16 22:11:20  来源:  作者:

The evaluation of the enhancing pattern and TNM staging of gastric carcinomas with triphasic spiral CT<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


高剑波 郭华 杨学华 周志刚 陈学军 岳松伟

郑州大学一附院放射科  郑州450052


Gao Jian-bo, Guo Hua,Yang Xue-hua, Zhou Zhi-gang, Chen Xue-jun, Yue Song-wei

Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China



Objective:To evaluation the enhancing pattern and TNM staging of gastric carcinomas with triphasic spiral CT.

Methods:A total of 67 patients with gastric cancer were evaluated with triphasic spiral CT with water filling method and hypotonic agent. Spiral CT findings were compared with postoperative pathology.

Results:23 cases demonstrated as homogenous enhancement in triphase; 34 cases in arterial phase demonstrated as multilayer enhancement, in venous phase enhancing area enlarged and still 28 cases displayed multilayer enhancement, in equilibrium phase most focus became homogenous but still 4 cases displayed multilayer; 10 cases in arterial phase and in venous phase demonstrated as unhomogenous enhancement looked like irregular round-shape enhancing, in equilibrium phase most cases became homogenous but still 2 cases displayed unhomogenous because of necrosis. The accuracy of T staging, N staging and M staging in gastric cancer were 76.1%(51/67), 74.6%(50/67) and 75%(3/4).

Conclusion:The enhancing pattern of triphasic spiral CT can reflect the blood supply characteristics, pathologic basis, histological type and differentiated degree of gastric cancer. Triphasic spiral CT can accurately and roundly reveal the depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis and distant metastasis of gastric cancer.

Key words:Stomach neoplasms; Spiral CT; Staging

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