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时间:2006-01-17 22:18:22  来源:  作者:

Smartprep three-dimensional contrast-enhanced MR angiography in diagnosing aortic dissection<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


鞠志国 徐文坚 刘吉华 孙娟

1宁波鑫高益医疗设备公司,宁波,315400;2青岛大学医学院附属医院放射科,青岛,266003,3 青岛大学2003级心脏超声专业硕士研究生



Objective:To study the method of Smartprep three-dimensional CE MRA and its clinical application for aortic dissection (AD).

Methods:Forty-one patients with AD were performed Smartprep 3D CE MRA with administration of Gd-DTPA.The source images were dealed with maximum intensity projection (MIP) and multiplanar reconstruction (MPR).According to the surgical findings and/or comprehensive imaging exams, the value of Smartprep CE MRA and MR imaging modality for AD diagnosis were evaluated.

Results:Thirty-six cases  with AD were proved by surgical findings and/or the comprehensive imaging exams, and 35  of all  cases were detected by Smartprep 3D CE MRA.The intimal flap, the true and false lumen and 30 entry tears and 26 re-entry tears were shown on CE MRA in 35 positive cases. The sensitivity and specificity of Smartprep 3D CE MRA were 94.4% and 100%, respectively. In-volvement of aortic branches was shown in 32 cases (100% accuracy).Mural thrombi were de-monstrated as a filling defect of the false lumen in 16 cases.

Conclusion:Smartprep CE MRA associated with conventional MRI is of great value in measurement and evaluation of aortic dissections.

key wordSmartprep  magnetic resonce imaging  angiography aortic dissection

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