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时间:2006-04-29 19:07:19  来源:  作者:

CT diagnosis of thyroid diseases(analysis of 30 cases) <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

苏丹柯   谢东

Su Danke, XieDong

Department of Radiology, tumor hospital of Guangxi medical university, Nanning 530027



  Purpose: To evaluate CT in the diagnosis of benign and malignant lesions of thyroid gland. Material and methods: The CT finding in 30 cases with various thyroid diseases were analyzed and could be classified into three types (localized type, diffuse enlargement type and mixed type).

  Result: (1)localized type , including 8 thyroid adenoma; 7 multinodular goiter and 1 thyroid carcinoma;(2)diffuse enlargement type ,including 2 hashimoto thyroiditis and 1 Graves disease;(3) mixed type, including 6 multinodular goiter and 4 thyroid carcinoma. There was one case of occult thyroid carcinoma. In our series, the accuracy of CT diagnosis was 96.7% for malignant lesions and 75.0% for benign lesions.

  Conclusion: The benign or malignant nature thyroid gland could be identified accurately by CT. The cause of relatively lower accuracy of CT diagnosis in the benign group was lack of understanding of the CT features of benign lesions. The key point of observation was the interface between the lesion and extragland structure, instead of intragland structure, when deciding the nature of mixed type. It was stressed that contrast enhancement CT is very important in diagnosis of the thyroid disease.

  Key words:  Thyroid disease;  Tomography;  X-ray computed 

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