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时间:2006-05-19 19:14:21  来源:  作者:

The Neuroprotective Effect of ShenFu Injection(SF) on Patients Undergoing Intra-arterial Thrombolysis(IAT) after Cerebral Stroke<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

刘怀军 贾秀川 刘增品 汪国石 李林芳

河北医科大学第二医院放射科,石家庄 050000

Huai-jun Liu,Zeng-pin Liu,Xiu-chuan Jia,Guo-shi Wang,Lin-fang Li

Department of Radiology,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Shijia zhuang 050000,China



Objective:To assess the neuroprotective effect of ShenFu injection(SF) on patients undergoing intra-arterial thrombolysis(IAT) after cerebral stroke.

Methods:45 patients within 6h of acute ischemic stroke onset were treated with IAT.30 patients with complete/partial recanalization were divided into SF treated group and control group randomly.The NIHSS scores before IAT were compared with that after IAT.The NIHSS scores and Modified Rankin Scale(MRS) scores after 3 months were evaluated between two groups.

Results:There are statistic significance in NIHSS scores between two groups after IAT.The Modified Rankin Scale(MRS) scores of SF treated group after 3 months was significantly better than that of control group.

Conclusion:There is definite neuroprotective effect of SF injection in combined use with IAT after cerebral ischemic stroke.Combining thrombolytics with neuroprotective strategies shows great promise and a bright future for cerebrovascular disease.

Key words:intra-arterial thrombolysis(IAT);reperfusion injury;ShenFu injection;neuroprotective agent

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