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时间:2009-02-23 17:07:39  来源:  作者:
        Analysis of the interventional therapeutic effect 

        of primary lung cancer(52cases) 

        Liu Yong,Cao Xicai,Xu Naixun,et al. 

        Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin300052. 

        【Abstract】 Objective To research the chemotherapeutic effect of primary lung cancer by bronchial artery inˉfusion(BAI).Methods 52cases of primary lungcancer were performed by improved Seldinger’s technique and used selective or ultraselective catheterization.At first theprubicine(10mg)and lipiodoultrafluid(3~10ml)suspension were injected through the catheter.And then,the other twochemotherapeutic drugs were injected.Keep the chief trunci of the bronchial arteries patent.Results The therapeutic effect of squamous cell cacinoma was betterthan the other histopathologic categories.The therapeutic effect of hypervascular was superior to hypovascular.The therapeutic effect of centrally located lungcancer was superior to peripherally located lung cancer.The therapeutic effect of several infuˉsions was superior to only one infusion.The therapeutic effects of different clinical stages were no significance of differˉence.Conclusion BAI was one of the better therapeutic methods to primary lung cancer.The major factors that influˉenced the therapeutic effect of lung cancer included the pathologic category,the location,the blood supply type and inˉfusion times. 

        Key words lung cancer interventional therapy bronchial artery infusion effect 

        肺癌的发病率和死亡率逐年增加,某些地区已跃居恶性肿瘤发病和死亡的第一位。随着介入放射学在肺癌诊疗中的作用不断增强、介入治疗技术的改进和对肺癌研究的深入,经皮支气管动脉内灌注抗癌药物治疗中晚期肺癌已成为主要的治疗措施之一 [1] 。为进一步明确经皮支气管动脉灌注化疗(Bronchial Artery Infusion,BAI)临床效果,回顾性总结近年进行BAI治疗,资料完整并经组织学证实的原发性肺癌52例作为研究对象,对BAI治疗肺癌的近期疗效进行分析。现报告如下。 

        1 资料与方法 

        1.1 一般资料 1998年1月以来,采用BAI治疗原发性肺癌52例。其中男38例,女14例,年龄43~76岁,平均年龄58.35岁。全部病例经X线胸片、CT及支气管镜检查,病理证实为肺癌。右肺31例,左肺20例,双肺癌1例。中心型肺癌31例,周围型21例。病理类型:鳞癌28例,腺癌11例,小细胞癌11例,腺鳞癌1例,类癌1例。按国际抗癌联盟(UICC)规定肺癌C-TNM病期分类 [2] :Ⅱ期11例,Ⅲa期20例,Ⅲb期16例,Ⅳ期5例。

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