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时间:2006-05-19 19:10:15  来源:  作者:


吕新胜* 古力孜* 姜 东*<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

于 江* 高安民#

* 新疆克拉玛依市中心医院CT-MR科,新疆 834000

# 新疆乌鲁木齐石油医院放射科,新疆 830000


The Value of MSCT or MRI in the Diagnosis of the Gallbladder Cystocarcinoma

Xin-sheng Lv,Li-zi Gu,Dong Jiang,Jiang Yu

Department of CT-MR,KELAMAYI City centeral hospital,xinjiang 834000,china



  Objective: To discussion MSCT or MRI of gallbladder cystocarcinoma and performance and clinical diagnosis value and extremely dividing.

  Methods: Rviews 12 examples`s gallbladder cystocarcinoma with MSCT and MRI which confirmed after the surgery,including in the focus of infection shape,the size,the spot,the enhancement as well as the bile duct in the liver,the lymph node,the liver is whether there is direct or indirectly invades run. Finally Completely 12 examples gallbladders cystocarcinoma is clear in MSCT and MRI,slightly partially has the bile duct in the liver to expand,and some part has in the liver to shift,to in direct vade and the lymph node shift directly.

  Discussion: Gallbladder cancer patient because on clinical lacks the specificity performance,Mosts is misdiagnosed for the cholecystitus,gallstones,In recent years along with MR and MSCT application,the diagnosis rate distinct enhancement,further deepened to this sickness understanding,We have carried on the discussion to related MSCT and MR the scanning diagnosis value and the distinction diagnosis question.

  Key word: Gallbladder cystocarcinoma;MR;MSCT

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