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时间:2006-10-16 22:53:31  来源:  作者:

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Three-dimensional Anatomical Evaluation of Bronchial Artery with CT Angiography


于红  李惠民  肖湘生  刘士远  李成洲  陶晓峰

作者单位:200003 上海第二军医大学长征医院影像科


Yu Hong,Li Hui-min,Xiao Xiang-sheng,Liu Shi-yuan,Li Cheng-zhou,TaoXiao-feng. Department of Imageology,Changzheng hospital,the Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200003 



  Objective:To evaluate the ability of CT angiography to identify and demonstrate the origins and courses of bronchial arteries,using the three-dimensional reformation technique.

  Methods:443 cases were examined with thin-section enhanced MSCT. Three–dimensional images of bronchial arteries were processed at the workstation. Spatial anatomical characters of the bronchial arteries using volume rendering(VR)and multiplanar reconstruction(MPR)or maxium intensity projection(MIP)were observed.

  Results:In all,359 cases were evaluated for at least one bronchial artery was displayed clearly in VR. The right bronchial arteries mainly appeared to be originating on the right intercostal artery(48.85%)and descending aorta(47.48%),while the left bronchial arteries on the descending aorta (97.84%). The right bronchial arteries of the descending aorta were mainly arised from right wall(45.89%),and then the anterior wall(42.51%),while the left bronchial arteries of the descending aorta mainly arised from anterior wall of the aorta(74.93%),the common trunk originated from the descending aorta and mainly positioned anterior too(74.03%). There were eleven bronchial arteries distribution patterns,with the right and left ones predominating (53.48%),and then right two and left one(17.55%).49.31% of the right bronchial arteries were coursing across the posterior edge of the right main bronchi,35.55% coursing the inferior edge,while 60.11% of left bronchial arteries coursing forward across the superior edger of the left main bronchi,the others coursing inferior edge or the posterior edge.

  Conclusion:The bronchial artery anatomy were complicated,and CT angiography could visualized the features clearly.

  Keywords:Bronchial artery;CT angiography;Anatomy



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