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时间:2006-08-07 21:52:44  来源:  作者:

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CT angiography of Bronchial Artery and pulmonary artery in PAtients with primary lung cancer

肖湘生  于红  李惠民  刘士远  李成洲

200003上海 第二军医大学长征医院影像科

Xiao XiangshengYu HongLi HuiminLiu ShiyuanLi Chengzhou. DePArtment of ImageologyChangzheng hosPitalthe Second Military Medical UniversityShanghai 200003



  Objective:To further evaluate the blood suPPly of Primary lung cancerPLCusing CT angiograPhy of bronchial artery and Pulmonary artery.

  Methods:Thinsection enhanced MSCT were Performed on 147 cases Primary lung cancer and 46 cases normal PAtients of control grouPthree dimensional images of bronchial arteries and Pulmonary arteries were obtained using VR and MPR or MIP at workstationand their morPhology and relationshiP with the masses were assessed.

  Results:136 cases of PLC and 32 cases of control grouP were evaluated for at least one bronchial artery was disPlayed clearly in VR. The detective rate of bronchial arteries was 92.7 and 69.6 resPectively. The bronchial arteries calibers and the total axial areas of same side of lung cancer were larger than the control grouP and the other sideP<0.05. BA of the same side of lung cancer were dilated and tortuousdistributed into the massesand their branches reticularly anastomosed. All PA were shown clearlyand were normal in 54 cases even crossing the masses,“hold ball sign in 25 cases,“dead tree branch in 40 cases,“residual root sign in 28 cases.

  Conclusion:the dilated BA and increased blood flow with BA were found in PAtients with PLCwhile Pulmonary arteries PAssed through the masses or were interruPted. By using MSCT angiograPhy of BA and PAit is further demonstrated that BA is the main suPPly vessel of the Primary lung cancerand no evidence of PA suPPly is found.

  Keywords:Lung cancerBronchial arteryPulmonary arteryCT angiograPhy



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