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时间:2006-10-26 01:13:07  来源:  作者:

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Preoperative Evaluation of Astrocytoma Grading Using CT Perfusion Imaging


凌华威 丁蓓 杨文洁 张欢 董海鹏 陈克敏

上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院放射科,上海 200025

Hua-wei Ling,Bei Ding,Wen-jie Yang,Huan Zhang,Hai-peng DongKe-min Chen

Department of Radiology,Ruijin Hospital,affiliated to School of Medicine Shanghai Jiao Tong University,200025,Shanghai



  Objective: To evaluate the preoperative values in evaluation of astrocytoma grade by using multislice CT perfusion imaging.

  Methods: 26 patients with astrocytoma underwent conventional CT and multislice CT perfusion imaging preoperatively.CT data were transferred to on-line working station and processed to obtain time-signal curves,color perfusion maps and calculated perfusion parameters, including cerebral blood volume (CBV),cerebral blood flow (CBF),mean transit time (MTT) and permeability surfaces (PS) in tumoral parenchyma.Assess and computed perfusion values by using SPSS13.0 software.

  Results: According to the pathologic results,patients were divided into low grade and high grade groups which were correspond to WHO II grade gliomas and WHO III or IV grade astrocytoma respectively.A significant difference in CBV,CBF,PS was found between low-and high astrocytoma groupsP<0.01using Kruskal-Wallis test.Spearman correlations between CBV,PS and degree were:r=0.807,r=0.774,P<0.01.

  Conclusion: Combined with CBV and PS values,CT perfusion imaging can provide useful vascular information in the preoperative assessment of astrocytoma grade.

  Key Words: TomographyXRay ComputedPerfusion imaging,Astrocytoma

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