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时间:2007-03-19 20:50:07  来源:  作者:

The <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Basic Hospital’s Spiral CT’S Support in Acute Pulmonary Embolism<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


卢云峰 秦俊明

山西省襄汾县人民医院,山西 041500

Yunfeng LuJunming Qin

Xiangfen HospitalShanxi 041500



  Objective by retrospectively analyzing the clinical features and CT symptoms during the treatment of 34 cases in our hospital to investigate the effect of the Spiral CT scanning on the clinical PE.

  Methods 34 examples PE line of spiral CT evenly sweeps the suspiciouspathological change district bank high resolution thin layer scanningHRCT), drafts according to the clinical symptom and CT likely contrasts discusses its relevance.

  Results the 3 clinical features of the 34 PE cases 1 paroxysmal hard breath or aggravating hard breath;(2 noncasual shock;(3 the breast suffocating attackand the features of Spiral CT scanning are 1the wedgeshaped lung or focal reaction;(2limited change of the lung marking;(3single or double lateral pleural effusion;(4heartsac effusion;(5 the callback after the treatment showing the disappear of the focus the sensibility of the Spiral CT checking PE is 85.

  Conclusion Without Pulmonary angiography by using the spiral CT scanning with HRCT joining the accessories of the heart typeB ultrasonicelectrocardiogram and inspection the basic hospital can positively diagnose the PE of the case of typical clinical symptoms physical symptoms and CTs abnormal symptoms giving a strong support in the clinical treatment.

  Key words Basic hospitalsPulmonary embolismSpiral CT

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