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时间:2007-08-17 23:04:01  来源:  作者:


Multisl ice spiral CT in interventional therapyof hepatocellular carcinoma

LI Zhigang, Z HAO Junjing , SHI Gaofeng , LI Shunzong , HAN Pengyin ,YANG Guang , LIANG Gguoqing , WANG Hongguang , HUANG Jingxiang ( Department of Radiology , the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University , Shijiazhuang 050011 , China)


ABSTRACT Objective:To investigate the value of multislice spiral CT(MSCT) in interventional therapy of the hepato cellular carcinoma (HCC) emphasising on t ranscatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization ( TACE) . Methods:MSCT were performed in 54 cases of HCC before interventional procedure , CT findings of hepatic artery phase , portal venous phase and hepatic venous phase were observed respectively , among which CTA were done in 12 cases , and the anatomy of celiac artery and it s branches were observed. The schemes of interventional therapy were worked out according to the findings of

MSCT. Results:MSCT showed 225 lesions , 10 cases of tumor thrombosis in portal vein , 1 case of hepatic arteriovenous shunt , and 13 cases of hepatic arterioportal shunt . There was no significant difference between MSCT and DSA in positiverate of in showing number of tumor or tumor thrombosis in portal vein ( P > 0. 05) , but the 3D const ruction of celiac artery branches in CTA was better than that in DSA , while angles between celiac artery and abdominal aorta in MSCT were more

convenient than that in DSA. MSCT showed 5 cases of hepatic artery original abnormality , in according with that in DSA.Conclusion:MSCT is of importance for guidance of interventional therapy of the hepatocellular carcinoma.

KEY WORDS:Carcinoma , hepatocellular ; Tomography , X2ray computed ; Embolization , therapeutic




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