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时间:2007-04-21 00:57:32  来源:  作者:


The Anatomical Study of the Value of Curved Planar Reformation CT of the Facial Nerve Canal in Middle Ear Surgery


宋光义1  韩丹1  刘俊华1  江超武2  李玉小2  廖承德1

1 云南昆明医学院第一附属医院影像中心CT室;2 耳鼻喉科

SONG Guang YiHAN DanLIU Jun Hua,②JIANG Chao WuLI Yu Xiao,①LIAO Cheng De

Department of Imaging,②Department of Otorhinolaryngologythe first affiliated hospital of kunming medical collegekunming650032china.



  ObjectiveTo evaluate the value of the multislice helical CT curved planar reformationCPRof the facial nerve in otological operation.

  Method20 adult head cadavers with 40 sides tempotal bone were examined by CT and curved planar reformattedthen were anatomized.the distance between the facialcanal and the landmarks were measured both on the image of CPR and cadavers.

  Resultthe lateral semicircular canal.was displayed on the images of axial CPRthe shortest distance between the facial canal and the lateral semicircular canal was 1.74±0.29㎜,and the second geniculation was 2.47±0.51.the configuration of the fossa of the short process of the incus was similar with anatomy on the sagittal of CPRthe distance was 2.88±0.41.the sigmoid sinus was displayed on the conory of CPRand the diatance was 8.97±2.72㎜㎜,the outcom of measurement as well as did the anatomyP0.05.

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