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MRI and Ultrasound – Two Vital Branches of Radiolo

时间:2010-12-28 18:01:24  来源:  作者:

        Radiology was initially the branch of medical imaging that made use of x-rays on large flat sheets of photographic films for diagnosis. Modern day radiology is no longer confined to the practice of x-rays and now encompasses other methods of diagnostic imaging such as Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Ultrasound. Unlike other branches of radiology, MRI and Ultrasound have become a separate method of diagnostic imaging that does not involve the use of ionizing radiation.

        Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that combines a large powerful magnetic field with radio frequencies, to gaze into human body, without the use of x-rays. It is the type of an emission imagining that produces detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and other internal body structures, without the use of ionizing radiation. A detailed MRI allows doctors to better evaluate parts of the body and certain diseases that may not be assessed adequately with other imaging methods such as x-ray or computed tomography. MRI scans produce the highest quality of soft tissue contrast of all other forms of diagnostic imaging and is especially beneficial for the imaging of the brain, spine and musculosketal system.
       Ultrasonography or ultrasound technology is an effective diagnostic modality that uses high frequency sound waves to visualize various organ and organ systems in the human body. It is an example of reflection imaging that produces real time images. Ultrasound procedures are commonly used to examine the abdomen, small parts, veins, arteries and the female reproductive system. Because there is no harmful radiation, ultrasound has a critical role in obstetrics and fetal imaging. Ultrasound is also often used during emergencies for rapid diagnosis of medical, surgical, obstetrical and gynecological problems. Radiology Departments provides services to outpatients, in-patients and emergency patients with the help of state-of-art equipment. Ultrasound technologists conduct ultrasound studies to provide the radiologist and referring physicians with the necessary information to diagnose and evaluate their patients.
        MRI and Ultrasound modalities have occupied a vital position within the world of radiology. Not only do they produce computerized images, but are also involved in the diagnosis of patient ailments and has narrowed the bridge between any undetected illness. The demand for radiologists and diagnostic imaging technologists are significantly increasing. Workforce shortages in the health care industry are attracting a wide range of individuals to begin their career within the radiology field.

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