时间:2009-01-16 20:51:16 来源: 作者: |
Value of color Doppler ultrasonography in differentiating of benign and malignant axillary lymph nodes
SHI You-hong, WANG Yong.
Shanghai Ruilin clinic, Shanghai 200336, China and Department of Ultrasound, Huashan Hospital
【Abstract】 Objective Purpose: To evaluate the value of color Doppler ultrasonography and Doppler velosity tracing in differentiating of benign and malignant axillary lymph nodes. Methods Totally, 27 benign and 16 metastatic axillary lymph nodes confirmed by pathology from breast cancer patients were analyzed. The 19 axillary lymph nodes from normal women and 22 lymph nodes from breast benign diseases patients were analyzed as control. The CDFI density、CDFI distribution、peak systolic velosity and resistive index were measured as parameters to identify normal and malignant axillary nodes. Results CDFI density was more in malignant nodes (2,range0-3)than in benign nodes(1,range0-4);The quantificational value of malignant nodes (9.82±4.94)was larger than benign nodes(5.55±5.53). The CDFI distribution grade was significantly higher in malignant(2,range0-3) than benign(1,range0-3)lymph nodes. The peak systolic velosity and resistive index were demonstrated equally in benign and malignant axillary nodes. Conclusion CDFI is valuable in identifying normal and malignant axillary lymph nodes. Doppler velocity tracing analysis is failure in this theme.
【Key words】 Axillary lymph nodes; Color Doppler ultrasonograph; Dianosis; Doppler velocity tracing
使用仪器为HDI-3000型(Advanced Technology Laboratories,ATL)全数字化彩色超声诊断仪,配备5~12MHz的高频探头。仪器设置:见表1。
测量方法 参数测量 CDFI:淋巴结内CDFI密度等级(分4级),CDFI分布(分4级),详见表2。